CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED Photographs from a night spent inside the interior of the London Road Fire Station in Manchester, recently saved from demolition and now due to evolve into a hotel, workspaces and apartments.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED Photographs from a night spent inside the interior of the London Road Fire Station in Manchester, recently saved from demolition and now due to evolve into a hotel, workspaces and apartments.
Following on from my visit to Dartmoor last year, I’ve produced a new podcast based on the experience. The word magical us used easily, and often in terms of joyful, childlike responses. That magic was present on Dartmoor, but there was also an unsettling darkness that followed me. You can hear more of what I’ve got to say by listening here… I also interview Manchester based artist Claire Riley about working at dawn in the city, and our need to […]
CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED Whilst I was in Dartmoor the tail end of Hurricane Ophelia arrived, bringing with it sand from the Saharan desert. I could feel the energies of the ancient land be changed as nature raged across the moorland. THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS TAKEN FROM THE PODCAST BASED ON MY JOURNEY TO DARTMOOR. NQL PODCAST- DAWN ON DARTMOOR The house where I was staying on Dartmoor was in a hollow. Growing up […]
In this episode of the Not Quite Light podcast I visit Dartmoor in a hurricane, and also talk to Manchester artist Claire Riley about working at dawn in the city, and our need to sometimes escape. CLICK HERE to see a gallery of work from the journey. TO SEE ARTIST CLAIRE RILEY’S WORK BY CLICK HERE
My limited edition book ‘You Live With Us, We Live With You’ was published in September. The charity that I’ve chosen for the book, with the agreement of 5 Plus Architects, is 42ndStreet Manchester. Based in their Horsfall building in Ancoats, Manchester, it’s a fantastic charity, with 36 years’ experience of providing free and confidential services to young people who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. Art is very much part of their programme of activities. […]