CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED Work from the project “You Live With Us, We Live You” Commissioned by 5 Plus Architects Published as a limited edition book.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED When I began Not Quite Light in 2015, I spent quite a bit of time photographing in Ancoats, before a lot of the current regeneration had taken place. I was caused to revisit it recently, working for a client, and was somewhat taken aback at the amount of change that had taken place. There is still ‘old’ Manchester at the north eastern edge, but the streets towards the city have […]
CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED These pictures were taken on a visit to Gloucester, New England in 2018. It’s America’s oldest fishing port, and is is still very much a working town, rather than a place tourists visit. Whilst I was there I discovered that Edward Hopper had visited the town in the 1920s, and one of the paintings he did there, mansard Roofs, launched his career at the age of 40. I can understand […]
CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED Photographs from a night spent inside the interior of the London Road Fire Station in Manchester, recently saved from demolition and now due to evolve into a hotel, workspaces and apartments.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW FULL SIZED Whilst I was in Dartmoor the tail end of Hurricane Ophelia arrived, bringing with it sand from the Saharan desert. I could feel the energies of the ancient land be changed as nature raged across the moorland. THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS TAKEN FROM THE PODCAST BASED ON MY JOURNEY TO DARTMOOR. NQL PODCAST- DAWN ON DARTMOOR The house where I was staying on Dartmoor was in a hollow. Growing up […]