3RD-10TH JUNE, THE WHITE HOTEL, SALFORD New dates have been released for ‘Dark Days, Luminous Nights’, my project in collaboration with Manchester Collective and the movement artist Blackhaine. The postponed event in January quickly sold out, extra time slots have been added. The immersive event at The White Hotel, Salford, will consist of photographs aswell as a film I wrote and directed, to illustrate the music recorded by Manchester Collective, featuring work by Bartok, Kilar and Edmund Finnis. For […]
I’ve just published a new photograph on the website. Click here to visit the page
My second recent visit out at dawn took me to the area around Manchester Piccadilly Station. It’s a difficult area to photograph, being slightly chaotic in its layout. Looking at the departure board in a time when our travel is restricted I felt such a strong urge to visit places I’d not normally consider spending a day in. You can read the text, see images and listen to audio recorded whilst there by clicking this link