I was recently commissioned by the Manchester based advertising agency Dinosaur to take photographs in the area around their new offfice. I’ve now added one of these pictures to my shop. Called ‘Manchester Skyline’ the Refuge buidling takes centre stage. I’m not sure how long this view will last, given it’s near a car park that’s sure to soon to be built on. A ceaseless city. The porint is avialable in both open and limited editions. BUY HERE
SHOCK CITY A feature written for the second edition of Shock City, whilst working on my project, “Dark Days, Luminous Nights” for the Manchester Collective. I was originally going to write about one of the many walks I’d taken during the first lockdown, journeys often over10 miles that either led me into unexpected spaces, or that reconnected me with old ways not taken for far too long. I was going to talk of encountering the disused Mather and Platt foundry […]
I’ve been interviewed for the Photography Daily podcast, in which I talk about the origins of NQL, and the various things that inspire my ways of working. I like doing interviews, as it’s like a form of therapy, and you can empty your head of all the elements clouding your mind. LISTEN HERE
The September edition of my monthly show for Reform Radio is now online. In this edition I’m inspired by memories of listening to my grandad’s radiogram, take a journey through Numbers Sations, Twitter and the streets of Manchester. Music includes Kayla Painter, Kinbrae and Charles Aznavour. LISTEN HERE
I’ve returned to doing shows for Reform Radio, and the first one is now live on their site. In this episode I explore the Irk Valley, linked to my project with the Manchester Collective, telling the stories of the things I encountered and experienced whilst working there using audio, text and music. Music from, amongst others, the Manchester Collective, Sarah Neufeld, Siobhan Donaghy & WH Lung. LISTEN HERE PLAYLIST